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Kimberwick Bits For Horses Single Jointed Uxeter Snaffle

Kimberwick Bits For Horses Single Jointed Uxeter Snaffle


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Stainless Steel Pony Kimberwick Bits With Port Jointed Mouthpiece

Kimberwick bits provide horses with the most comfortable bit experience possible, reducing discomfort and mouth injuries. There are rings and shanks attached to d-shaped stainless steel snaffles, and a chain is attached to one of these rings by a chain. This long chain is called a curb chain and is also made of stainless steel.

A stainless steel pony uxeter Kimberwick bit ensures 100% maximum comfort for your horse when competing or training outdoors. Using these types of bits reduces the risk of pinching the horse’s lips and discomfort around the mouth. It gives the horse more curb action which can be a strong stretcher or require a slight curb action to lower its head. If you’re looking for the right bit for your horse, you may want to look at Kimberwick riding bits.

The equestrian sports bit’s design facilitates clear communication, making it super easier for riders to communicate with their pony partner. The riding snaffle also has a wide range of sizes and shapes, allowing you to find the appropriate fit for your horse. Overall, Kimberwick horse bits are the perfect selection for equestrian riders who want to provide their horse with the most comfortable bit experience possible.

_Single joint
_Stainless steel with chain
_High quality
_Made from the finest material

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