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Double Jointed Eggbut Snaffle Bit D Ring Silver Color

Double Jointed Eggbut Snaffle Bit D Ring Silver Color


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Hand Polished Smooth Mouthpiece Double Jointed Eggbut Snaffle 

The double-jointed eggbut snaffle is a great equestrian accessory for horses. This type of bit has been popular for many years, and offers a great fit for the horse, along with a solid level of control for the rider while competition and eventing.

Our custom design stainless steel horse bit ring has a d shape, and the mouthpiece has two joints. A double-jointed snaffle is a very gentle bit for horses because a double-jointed mouthpiece makes it easy for them to relax. It’s ideal for young horses in training and for riding also for new equestrian riders. The eggbut snaffle with loose d rings is best for horses that have sensitive lips.

It is a popular choice among many equestrian male and female riders because it combines flexibility with good pressure. A high quality smooth mouthpiece D-ring snaffle is an excellent choice for riding sports.

_Eggbutt Bit / Loose ring
_Double joint
_Stainless steel
_Hand polished
_Smooth mouthpiece

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